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Board & Train Application

If you are interested in enrolling in a board and train program, please fill out the required information below. If you are registering more than one dog, please fill out a separate form for each dog. You will receive a follow-up email from Michaela shortly after submission with details about the next steps!


Your dog must be up-to-date on the following vaccines: Rabies, Bordetella, Distemper, Parvovirus, Canine Influenza, and a negative Fecal Float (to test for parasites) within 30 days of drop-off.

Do you currently follow Summit Homestead (@summit_homestead) on Instagram?

If not, head over and give us a follow. This is required if your dog trains with us, as it is willl be where we share daily updates, on Stories!

What type of home do you live in?
Is your dog spayed/neutered?
Is your dog on any medications?
Does your dog have any allergies?
What program are you interested in?
Is your dog crate trained? (this means calm and quiet in the crate/kennel)
Does your dog have accidents in the crate?
Does your dog sleep in your bed?
Does your dog sleep in a kennel?
If recommended, will you be comfortable crating/kenneling your dog at night and when you are not home?
Does your dog interact well with children?
Does your dog interact well with other dogs?
Is your dog agressive when people approach his/her food?
Is your dog agressive when people try to take his/her toy away?
Has your dog ever bitten another dog/person?
If Summit Homestead requires you to muzzle condition your dog prior to training, are you open to this?
Please check all that apply to your dog:

Photo/Video Release: I hereby assign and grant to Summit Homestead LLC the right and permission to use, reproduce, distribute, and publish the photograph(s), film(s), videotape(s), audio and video recording(s), electronic representation(s), and/or sound recording(s) made of me and/or my dog(s) at any time during the training and/or boarding of my dog(s) by Summit Homestead LLC, and I hereby release Summit Homestead LLC from any and all liability resulting from such use, reproduction, distribution, and publication. Please write your name and initials, indicating that you have read these terms and agree to this Photo/Video release Agreement.

I am familiar with Summit Homestead's training methods (slip leads, prong collars, e-collars, etc.), techniques, programs, and prices. If not, please be sure to check out our SERVICES/RATES, and SOCIAL MEDIA. *

I am aware that the Board & Train program is a head-start to all of the continued work my dog and I will have when they return home. Dog training is a lifestyle, not a quick fix and I understand this is a team effort. I will embrace the changes needed to be made at home for my dog and I to be successful, long term.

Please select an option:

Thanks for submitting your application!

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